Saturday, June 26, 2010

Take Our Jobs

Immigration Reform is sort of near and dear to my heart since I am afterall an American Immigrant.  I have been cursed blessed with the ability to see two sides to most issues.  It is no different here.  Now, I will not go into the whole other discussion about what is an American citizen.  For the purpose of this discussion only, I mean to distinguish Americans whose families have been here for at least several generations from naturalised-citizens, documented and undocumented immigrants.

One of the common arguments against immigration is that immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens born on American soil.  One of my rebuttals: Will you become a trash collector, farm worker, house-/office-cleaner, landfill worker, porta-potty cleaner, etc.?  Seriously, there are really disgusting jobs and really difficult jobs that no American wants and the same people who yap yap yap about stolen jobs will not take those jobs themselves.

So I was pretty happy to see this article. We all know about the bad economic situation in California -- the state is broke, public and private sector jobs have been significantly axed, and we will not even go into the housing market...  I am interested in seeing how many takers there will be this time.  Compare it to the last time:
"California's agriculture industry launched a similar campaign in 1998, hoping to recruit welfare recipients and unemployed workers to work on farms, [Manuel Cunha] said. Three people showed up."
Part of me is hopeful that people really want to be productive and live off the fruits of their own labour, yet the skeptical part of me thinks that many will not swallow their pride or are just plain lazy to work hard to earn money, no matter how little it is.  I always go back to "A Privilege does not equal a Right".  America is the Land of Opportunity, not the Land of Outcome of Your Sit-On-Your-Duff-Daydreams.

What do you think?

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