Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dangerous But Good

This morning, as I read Matthew 12-13, it dawned on me that Jesus spoke about the Day of Judgment several times in His parables.  In contemporary Christianity, the Day of Judgment is not often spoken of.  Afterall, it is not a popular topic nor one that will draw people to Christ.  We live in an age whereby we think we need to present Christianity as a happy-feeling, life-is-a-bed-of-roses, lottery ticket.  Yet we must be conscious of it for what need do we have for a Saviour if there is nothing from which we need saving?

As I read Jesus' words about the Day of Judgment, I could not help but think of C.S. Lewis' Aslan (from "Chronicles of Narnia"), and Mr. Beaver's famous description of Aslan, 
"Course he isn't safe.  But he is good."
Coming to know Jesus is dangerous for life as we knew it.  In fact, it is the end of life as we knew it.  Yet in coming to know Jesus, we come to know what is good, actually great.  Are we willing to give up what is safe and good for what is GREAT?

I like to liken it to riding a motorcycle -- it is dangerous, but oh so good!

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