Thursday, February 3, 2011

God Knows

Over the weekend, I roasted a chicken.  After prying all possible meat from the carcass, I decided I might as well use this and the other 2-3 carcasses in the freezer (from previous roasts) to make chicken soup.

On Monday night, I started to feel like I was battling a bug.  It got progressively worse on Tuesday and I started drinking more of my chicken soup.  By the time Wednesday morning came, I officially lost the battle.  I woke up with such pain in my face that I caved and took pseudoephedrine AND naproxen sodium.  For the rest of the day, I ate very little and chugged several bowls of my chicken soup.

In case you are wondering, I am on the mend.  I would be exhibiting greater improvement too if I didn't do 3 loads of laundry, wash a sink full of dishes and purged (and I mean really purged) the office area of trash (let's just say there are 2 bags of papers to be recycled and 2 bags of heavy trash...) yesterday... 

(For those of you who know me: Really, when am I not doing something or being a glutton for punishment?  I did save publishing this post till today...)

Anyway, here is my point for today:  God knows what we need before we even need them.

I could have just stuck the latest chicken carcass into the freezer and waited till another time to make chicken soup, but something just spurred me on to do the opposite.  I will go as far as to say the Holy Spirit nudged me to make the chicken soup because I do not believe in coincidences.  And thank the good Lord I did because I needed it.  (The nutritional aspect of homemade chicken soup is another post, of course...)

God does amazing and amazingly simple things that matter all the time.  It is just a matter of whether we pay careful enough attention.  This is the omniscient God who knows everything, who created everything, and is beyond time, and yet He cares so much about each one of us.  He knows what we need and when we need it, even though we do not.  He knows what matters to us, and He does care enough to show it, though often not in ways we expect.

To say that I am blessed or thankful or grateful or in awe, just does not seem to truly express my feelings towards such a personal God.  I am glad that I do not have to be a chicken around Him.

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