Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Right Thing To Do

I was sick yesterday and got wiped out even just taking a shower. All I could manage for the next 4 hours was watching TV and had the opportunity to watch “Eight Below” (well, most of it anyway).

I couldn’t help but cry at several points in the movie (hey I’m sick, remember?). Besides, I’m a big softie when it comes to dogs and when 2 of the dogs died, the tears were flowing freely. I felt the angst of Paul Walker’s character as he struggled to do what is right.

The indignant anger rose further within me when I saw it for what it is: a reflection of what many of us do every single day – making decisions not because it is the right thing to do, but because of every other reason, especially financial ones. Don’t people know anymore what the right thing to do is? What about the true meanings of Honour, Loyalty, Courage, and Integrity?

“It’s just a pen from work. Afterall, it’s not worth much and I’m not getting paid what I’m worth.”

“We have to move our family because of my job.”

“I can’t donate this money to (whatever cause) because I can’t give up my coffee everyday.”

“Sorry kids/dear, we can’t (fill in the blank) because we don’t have the (fill in the other blank).”

“You can’t go to the doctor because you don’t have insurance.”

“I/We/You can’t… because of (some excuse/obstacle).”

“I can’t give up my hobbies/leisure time to build my family’s future.” (aka. I’m too selfish to go out and do something worthwhile for the sake and future of my family.)

Come on, if you deny that you’ve done any of these, you’re either financially independent or you seriously need to wake up and smell the manure. I admit it: I’ve done the latter and am headed for the former.

Be honest with yourself if nobody else. If you’ve swallowed your principles, pride and sense of justice, I say to you: Stand up and be a real man or woman! Start doing what's right and teach that to the next generation!

One of the golden rules is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Go ahead and be that person of Honour, Loyalty, Courage, and Integrity! Be a person who does things and accomplishes in spite of whatever obstacles! Be the person who does the right thing all of the time.