Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Urkel Effect

No, this post has nothing to do with politics.  Instead, it has to do a little with fashion.

"Urkel, as in Steve Urkel?  Fashion??  In the same sentence??"

I hear you.  Seriously, I actually saw a little video about it.

Okay, we have all seen the baggy pants worn by youngsters in the last decade, who seem to think that their boxers are so fashionably interesting that all must be exposed to it.  

When I was working as a camp counselor, I saw my fair share of it and threatened the boys that if their boxers were even peeking out, it was fair game for anyone to pull down their pants.  (Not that we actually carried out the threat, but it worked well enough.)

So here comes this school principal who told his students that if they chose to come to school with baggy pants exposing their underwear, they could either 1) take suspension or 2) wear Steve Urkel pants.

This ingenuous man uses zip ties (see below) to cinch up the belt loops, thus pulling up the pants!

Of course, he does actually have a wall of shame where a picture of the offending student in Urkel pants is posted.  That, of course, is the greater deterent.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So Who Really Owns Your Mortgage

We are all aware of the mortgage fiasco involving robo-signers, predatory lending, and so on and so forth.  Let us also not forget about personal irresponsibility -- just because the lender said you could afford the mortgage did not actually mean that you can really afford the mortgage.  Still, if you think the bank to which you are making a payment every month owns your mortgage, the chart below proves you wrong.  You can get a more detailed look in the original article.
(For the record, I did try to understand the flow chart.  I got through about half of it in 5 minutes and decided my time was better spent elsewhere.  And the "Black Hole" notation on the right hand side of the chart made me chuckle too.)

Monday, November 15, 2010

That Thing About Body Scanners

Back in March, I posted my two cents about the body scanning technology in airports.  With the recent experience of John Tyner and the growing controversy backlash, I decided to add another two cents.

1)  If you don't already think that this is a serious invasion of privacy, read this quote from Andy Greenberg's article on the same technology available (and by the way, is currently used) in moving vans:
"The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is currently suing the DHS to stop airport deployments of the backscatter scanners, which can reveal detailed images of human bodies. (Just how much detail became clear last May, when TSA employee Rolando Negrin was charged with assaulting a coworker who made jokes about the size of Negrin’s genitalia after Negrin received a full-body scan.)"
 2)  All that scanning is a safety issue, and not for transportation security but a health risk for passengers, and more so for the TSA agents and airport employees.  The exposure to all that radiation has long-term consequences, which no one in TSA seems to have addressed.  The current technology used in airports deals with radiation.  It is not in as high doses as the Hiroshima bomb (duh!), but seriously, do you want to be exposed to radiation that is scattered?  When you get an X-ray, why do you think the technicians ask if you are pregnant (if you are female), or why they stand behind a lead wall ,or why they put a lead "armor" on you, depending on what you are getting X-rayed?  It's RADIATION, folks!  Doesn't matter whether it is millimeter wave or backscatter technology -- they are both radiation.  Persons most at risk (listed in order of amount of exposure): TSA agents, airport employees, vendors in the terminal, pilots (note that pilots' unions have urged a boycott of body scanners), flight attendants, frequent fliers, children and pregnant women.

3)  Apparently the TSA policy of alternative options to body scanning (supposedly optional) is not available in all locations -- the ability to opt out apparently depends on the TSA agent you get.  There are a number of reports of people threatened with legal consequences, as well as being dished emotional trauma and mistreatment, and at least one report of a pregnant woman who was coerced into going through the body scanner.  Among the arguments used was "You get ultrasounds, don't you?"  Ignoramus maximus!  First of all, ultrasound is not radiation.  Totally different!  Even if it were the same, radiation is not a good thing for anybody!  Secondly, doctors limit ultrasounds to a minimum for the sake of the baby because it's not good for the babies either!

4)  By the way, TSA has acknowledged this in the most limited sense: those body scanning images can  be (and sometimes are) stored.  Surprised?

 5)  As I have said before, there are alternative technologies out there.  (Funny how the media doesn't really report on them...  but that's another post)  One such technology is thermal imaging.  In a nutshell, you take a thermal read of the person.  Our body temperature is afterall hotter than room temperature.  Anything that blocks that heat from radiating from the body to the scanner shows up on the image.  Left your iPhone or extra small notebook in your pocket?  No problem, they'll see the heat signature blocked and have you empty your pocket...  without seeing all of you.

There are many articles out there decrying the use of the current body scanners in airports, venting public frustrations with TSA, and so on and so forth.  Here are just a handful for your reading pleasure.
 Rick Seaney: Are Airport Full-Body Scanners Dangerous?  (By the way, notice that Nico Melendez evades the question on whether such technology could have caught the Christmas Day underwear bomber?)

My personal take: I do not approve of having my privacy violated beyond what my primary doctor can see/do and I most certainly do not agree with a government-sanctioned molestation in the form of over-zealous pat-downs.  With that being said, I am probably not flying for a long time.  

Quoting part of the Declaration of Independence (bold mine):
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance...He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power."

I am not advocating any sort of physical revolt or anything violent or what not, but Big Brother, I highly recommend you look at the alternative technologies and use smart screening or you could have a revolt on your hands for being an oppressive government.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".
~Benjamin Franklin

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Buy Chinese - Buy GM

...and everything in WalMart.  But that's another conversation...

So among the banks helping out the initial public stock offering of General Motors next week are two Chinese banks, both are linked to the Chinese government.  I think that "Government Motors" should be renamed "GM-C"... for Government Motors-China.  What do you think?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


No, I am neither talking about an European monarch nor a cruise ship.  I am talking about Quantitative Easing. In very simplistic terms, that means "printing money".  The Feds are buying $600 billion (yes, that is "billion" with a "B") in bonds.  When the government spends money, the Treasury prints the money they spend.  The video in the link is calling this a "Global Ponzi Scheme".

Um, last I checked, a Ponzi scheme is illegal.  So if the Feds are heading up a Ponzi scheme, shouldn't they be prosecuted for it like any Ponzi perpetrator?

Additional note:
Remember I said some time ago that there are only 2 ways the government can pay for all the programmes they have -- raise taxes or print more money?  Hmmm....  I know the election is over, yet I will state a common sense principle again: 
Don't spend money you don't have in your hand.
Cut the programmes.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Searching For A New Rental? Beware of scams!

So recently, I have been doing a little scouting around Craigslist to see how other rental properties around the area compare to our humble abode.  I have been coming across a number of scams.  Here are some tips to weed them out:
  • The rent is really low for the area.  (Seriously, a "3BR huge home in KOP" for $631/month??)
  • The contact number is out of town.
  • When you contact them, they ask for your email address to "send you information".
  • If you leave a message and no one calls you back within a couple of hours. (Real owners or real estate agents or rental managers always get back to you ASAP.)
Never ever give out any personal information without seeing the property in person first.  Not your last name, email address, home phone number (cell phone is okay because they do need one way of contacting you and cell phone numbers are not easily traced by the general public), definitely not any financial information and never your Social Security number.  If they pressure you to give information because "we have many people calling us about this property.  Are you going to rent it or not?", they are probably not legitimate.  (I responded to one such instance with, "Well, I need to know if you are legit or not." and was promptly hung up on.)
One more thing: If you see a listing that just has a website link (such as -- DO NOT CLICK ON IT! is a known tracking website and others may contain worse (such as keystroke programmes and other viruses).  Use common sense when clicking on any links.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cutest Hockey Goal Celebration Ever

We all know that kids say and do the darndest things.  This is the darn-cutest way to celebrate a goal.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gerald Lesser Dies at 84

"Can you tell me how, how to get to Sesame Street?"
Sniff sniff.  Mr. Lesser was one of the creative geniuses of Sesame Street, one of the best childhood programmes ever um, I mean during the 1970s and 1980s.

Thank you for bringing us all the letters of the alphabet and numbers on the street every kid wants to to get to.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What To Do Next...

...for the man who has found his other half.  

I came across some marriage proposal videos, and some were very creative.  These two are among the ones I enjoyed most.

This is the most creative video I have seen:

Of course, I love any proposal involving someone in uniform:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Schools Kill Creativity

Now, those are not exactly my words.  They are the quoted words of Sir Ken Robinson.

I have to say that I have been a supporter of that view for many years.  I believe there are studies out there which conclude that children lose half their creativity by the first grade.  

For years, I have railed against the education system in Singapore, and then schooling in general.  When I was growing up, I had always felt that something was very wrong with the education system.  There was no other option than getting a "good education", which really equates to getting excellent grades from a top school.  (The old lie of "get good grades, go to a good school, get a good degree, work a good job, and you'll be set for life".)  There was no learning, everything was rote memorisation followed by regurgitation on tests and examinations.  Fear and shame is a tremendous part of Chinese culture, and in retrospect, it was drilled into me by the start of 4th grade that failing academically was not an option.  For crying out loud, I began having an after-school tutor by 4th grade for my second language (!!), and another one by 8th grade for Math and Science.

I wonder where I might be now if I had not been so afraid to fail for most of my life.  I wonder what I might have achieved by now.  Growing up, there was no other option but the academic route.  I do not know if that would have been something I would have chosen to pursue naturally anyway, but there was never an option o explore otherwise to begin with.

Folks, I agree that structure is necessary in the raising of children, but let us not be so rigid in trying to conform to societal expectations at the expense of propelling our children in the direction of their talents and creativity.  They will achieve so much more in the areas of their strengths than than their weaknesses.  A rising tide raises all ships  -- excelling people lead to a a society of excellence and a better quality of life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lost... again

I had a brief conversation with one of my mentors the other day.  We had not talked for a while and I was just king of giving a 2-minute update on the last 6 months.  One of the things I mentioned that I think I should return to life insurance but I am still feeling a little anxiety about it.  And my mentor's response was, "Is it anxiety or lack of peace?"

That was a great question.  Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out the answer.  I thought I had settled it a few weeks ago, and yet I am dealing with the same questions from the summer.  Basically, what should I be doing?

I feel kind of aimless.  I want to try so many things, yet there are only a few feasible ones because of limitations.  I will be honest.  The main limitation is financial -- I have bills to pay.  And therein lies one of my frustrations.  Life is meant to be lived and experienced!  What am I doing with my life?  What does God want me to do?  How am I making any impact?  Am I living the life that pleases Him, and brings honour and glory to Him?  

Life is meant to be lived... and I feel like I am stuck.

Confused, ACLU?

An article reported that a teen in North Carolina was suspended from school over a religious body piercing.  She and her mother belong to (get this) the Church of Body Modification.  (I kid you not!)  So anyway, the ACLU jumped at the chance to defend the teen's right to exercise her faith at school.  Nothing wrong with jumping to the defense of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of religion.

Now, here's my beef: this same organisation has repeatedly jumped at the chance to prevent any sort of  exercise of Christian faith in public schools or government -- their so-called defense of "separation of Church and State".  Quoting from their website:
"The right to practice religion, or no religion at all, is among the most fundamental of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The ACLU works to ensure that this essential freedom is protected by keeping the government out of religion."
They say that they are protecting your First Amendment Rights, including the freedom of religion, by keeping the government out of it yet most of their cases are really the other way around -- keeping religion (namely Christianity) out of government.  The domino effect of their assaults on government results in domains (especially public schools) receiving federal funding try to stamp out the exercise of religion (again, namely Christianity), lest they be charged with violating the separation of Church and State.  (Remember, the idea of separation of Church and State was meant more for the protection of the Church from the State.)

Am I the only one who is thinks that the ACLU is confused about themselves, saying one thing but doing another? 
"What you do shouts so loud that I cannot hear what you say."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Next

Seems like many are creating their own versions of Lady Gaga music videos.  I now present: another reality music video

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Now, I am not a fan of reality TV, and I certainly do not follow American Idol, America's Got Talent, etc.  However, I came across this clip and I have to say, this is one the most impressive performances I have ever watched.

Now, I am sorry that I could not edit the video by removing the ads (because I do not know how to!) but still, I am sure you will forgive me for that and enjoy the act itself.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Heart of Compassion

Recently, in the course of conversation, I finally figured out something about myself and shared it with my spouse.  It was simply this -- I have a problem with compassion, or rather, the lack of it.  

I realise now that I have been wounded deeply so many times by people dear to me that I hardened my heart each time it happened over the last 3 decades.  "I will never allow myself to be hurt again" became my mantra each time.  Strange enough (as if!), my heart did harden itself, to the point where I found myself actually unable to feel for people.   In arguments with my spouse, I have to be told to be compassionate and not to be so cutting.

Interestingly enough, I remember praying for a heart after God's own heart -- a heart with compassion for people, the same people He created and cared for.  Perhaps He sent those events in my life to develop my heart of compassion... and I just made the wrong choice each time to harden my heart.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I need to learn to be compassionate, and only by God's grace will I ever get there.  I know I will get there.  Again, only by the grace of God.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

About Time I Shared This

I am sorry.  I took this picture a long while ago and am only transferring it to my laptop now to share with the world.  Thought it was the funniest thing when I first read it...  And considering PA is naming the Great Dane as the state dog, I thought this was particularly appropriate to share...

Sorry I cannot get it any larger -- it simply will not fit in the blog's frame!

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Journey Into Self

In the last couple of months, I have been trying to do some self-examination.  A lot of things I thought I knew (about myself) suddenly did not appear so certain after all.  I was unsure of my strengths and even of my personality, which contributed to whether I was doing what I should be doing.  I began to wonder what job I really was most suited for, and though a friend recommended a book to help me figure it out, I still have not checked it out of the library...  I wondered if I should give up one of my businesses and settle for a steady paycheque from some company (and allowing myself to be owned again).

Recently, I have decided that what I have chosen for a job to pay the bills is what I should be doing, and what I have chosen for a future for my family is also what I should be doing.  In short, what I was doing before is what I should be doing in the future.  I am just not quite to the point where I can make a full return yet, though I am approaching it in the near future.

So through this process, God has been teaching me about security and dependence.  

My first mistake was losing sight of Jesus.  I felt that I had to work longer and harder to make the money we needed to pay our bills.  That came at the cost of my dedicated time with Jesus.  The price was even costlier -- I distanced myself from the best friend I could ever have without even knowing it.  I was depending less and less on Him, and more and more on myself.  It is a little like trading a Porsche GT for a Ford Pinto.  (You get the picture...)

My second mistake was when I became so caught up in "I have to make this work so that I can pay the bills", I lost sight of the one true source of security -- Jesus.  The only one who truly provides is Him, not I.  It has never been "I make it work and provide for the family" but rather "I work the job that God gave me, and He provides for the family."  My security should never have been dependent on me, but on Jesus.

So going forward, I have to make sure that I keep my focus on the right things.  I need to do what I can do to keep my focus on Jesus and trust Him to provide for the bills... exactly like He has been doing in the last couple of months without my help.  I need to remember that it is not all up to me and it is not all about me.  If prioritising my relationship with Him means giving Him the first hours of my day and my work day not starting till noon, then it means that my work day is not starting till noon.  I have that flexibility and I ought to exercise it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rewriting History

When I first viewed the following video, I was shocked, to say the least.  Believe me, I understand that history books are skewed.  Things are written in a way to favour the opinion of the author.  I also know that many events have been deliberately omitted in current American history books, such as the one about George Washington having 4 bullet holes in his jacket from a battle and surviving unhurt.

But to go as far as what was suggested in the following video is too much.  The only reason some concessions were made in one of the textbooks was because of widespread opposition.  I understand the desire of people to have history books report favourably on their faith, but to whitewash it is complete falsehood.

I am not against the founding of a Muslim college (not completely different from a Christian college), yet  in light of this video, I do wonder: what will they teach within the walls about Islam and history, and how to write future history?

Addendum: I do realise that my posts can be viewed as somewhat inflammatory.  I wish to state that I have absolutely no intention to incite or stir up anger, or be an offensive pig (for lack of better words).  I post as the thoughts come to mind and sometimes, the filter between my mind and fingers needs a little cleaning.  I try my best to edit my posts as I type them, and unfortunately when my mind is not thinking too clearly or coherently, the posts do not come across as intended.  That being said, I apologise for any posts I make which offend or sound offensive.  I am not a racial or religious fanatical, just another screwed-up human being functioning solely by the grace of God.

I Don't Know Why...

I was just so tickled by this that I actually watched it again... and laughed out loud like an idiot again...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Attraction of Trader Joe's

It has been a while since my last post, so I figured while I am working on tons of paperwork today, I will take breaks and do some posting throughout the day.

First up is this article on Trader Joe's.  I have always preferred them to Whole Foods (aka Whole Paycheque). -- the latter had always seemed to me more gourmet-ish and somewhat snooty, so I have always preferred Trader Joe's although I do not actually shop there.

Here is something that many people do not know about Trader Joe's products: much of the Trader Joe's brands are manufactured by the same companies offering products in your regular grocery store shelves.
Those Trader Joe's pita chips? Made by Stacy's, a division of PepsiCo's Frito-Lay. On the East Coast much of its yogurt is supplied by Danone's Stonyfield Farm. And finicky foodies probably don't like to think about how Trader Joe's scale enables the chain to sell a pound of organic lemons for $2.
So what is the true draw of shopping at Trader Joe's?  That, my friends, is up for discussion.  Post your comments!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


"I have learned to grip loosely the things of this world for it hurts badly when God pries them from my fingers."
~Corrie ten Boom
This year has been a difficult year for me.  I have never perceived myself as a strong person, and I am learning that I still need to develop into a person of strength.  I feel like I have been stripped of so much and I am now raw and extremely vulnerable.  And here is where God is doing things with me.

For the first time in my life, Job's words hit a chord in my heart.  I have never identified so much with him as I have this year.  The darkness, the suffering, bearing injustice, the alienation, the attacks from every direction, and so on.  Even as I write these words, the emotion of all the pain is welling up in my heart and my eyes.
"Faith is not a magical shield out of suffering."
~Todd Pruitt
Some may ask, "Where is God in all your suffering?" and others may ask, "If God is so good, why does He allow this to happen?".  First of all, God is never our divine genie to give us what we want all the time, nor has He ever promised us a life of ease and riches on earth.

Secondly, and more importantly, I have learned that I may never have the answers on this side of eternity, and I am alright with that.  God has always had His plan, and His purposes will be carried out.  I can trust in His goodness and mercy, even as I stand in awe of His holiness and power.  If there is something within me that is not good for me, like any good parent, He will remove it from me through whatever lesson necessary.  The more stubborn and rebellious I am, the more it will hurt; but the job will get done.

I am still learning to apply the words of Corrie ten Boom.  I am loosening my grip on some things in my life, but I still have a pretty strong grip on things overall.  It does hurt badly when those things are not good and God pries them out of my life.  On days like today, even though I know He is refining my faith, weeding out the bad attitudes and sinful nature from my heart, I fear.  I fear because of these words in a sermon last month, "Sometimes, faith will be the very thing that threatens my physical well-being."

I am grateful to Jesus for without Him, there is no hope or future.  Without Him, there is no strength.  Without Him, there is only condemnation.  I pray with all my heart that I will have a faith that endures for all eternity.
Temptation is for destruction.
Testing is for perfection.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pay What You Want

This is interesting.  Here is the basic concept: a for-profit company opened a not-for-profit cafe where customers pay what they want.  It appears that the company hopes to create a loose sense of community where they "watch out for their own" -- feed the ones who cannot afford to feed.  It is kind of like the early Church.  They had a true sense of community in which they shared what they had with each other and looked out for the ones who did not or could not have.  (Which, by the way, we are still called to do.)

Anyway, watch the video and let me know what you think.

A True Vision of Marriage

Many people are married.  Some view their marriages as roommates with privileges at best.  Others view from a power-trip perspective.  Still others are fortunate enough to be married to their best friend (though I am 100% convinced that it took a lot of work!).  This couple here show that a true marriage is placing the well-being of the spouse above themselves and serving that person.  Robert Guerrero is indeed an impressive person.  What is more impressive is the God he serves, and demonstrates in his life.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I LOVE Watching Pranks

Hee hee!!!

ps.  I try to keep the blog clean, however sometimes the videos contain some offensive language.  In this particular case, there is one swear word which has been bleeped out.  Forgive me but there was no way I could have edited the video.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Heads up -- likely scam

In the last couple of weeks, I have been receiving repeated phone calls from 520-548-2486 on my work cell phone.  Seeing that I do not have clients in that area code, I always let it go to voice mail.  This is very strange for a couple of reasons.
  1. The only people who have that number are my clients, my mentors in that business, and my spouse.
  2. There is never a voice mail message.
  3. That number is registered to a cell phone in Arizona.
Web searches indicate many people are receiving calls from that number, and quite a number on their cell phones.  For those who actually answer the call, they apparently get a recorded message to the extent of "contact immediately to get lower interest rates on credit cards... Press 1 for a live person".  When they do get a live person, some were smart enough to ask them what company, location, etc. and they were hung up on.

So folks, based on all the above-mentioned details, this is most likely a scam and I would advise you to not answer your phone if you see the number.  If you do, I would strongly advise you not give any information out.  It also appears that the fastest way to get out of the call is to ask them for their information.

Odd and funny

I seem to be coming across a number of Star Wars things today.  Quite odd, but then again, I do not believe in coincidences...

I love these guys.  Here's another great video from them:

Star Wars GPS

(Here's the original article.)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Some jarring thoughts as we ponder Independence Day

Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day.  This is the day that Americans fought for and won freedom from the oppressive rule of the Brits at that time (no offense to my British friends).  Note that only 2% of the country actually wanted to fight for what was right.

Needless to say, I am very grateful to all military personnel, past and present.  I will never know exactly what it feels like to walk in your shoes, but I am very grateful for what you have done and what you continue to do.  It is because of you that I am able to live in a free country with freedom to believe what I believe and say what I say.

Even as I ponder upon Independence Day, I came across some articles and videos this afternoon which brought forth some strong (and angry) feelings.  The articles and videos have to do with abortion and Planned Parenthood (and I do have strong feelings about the topic myself).  I am also miffed about the skewed news reporting being carried out.

Mind you, this is no new occurrence -- skewed media reports have been happening for years.  What has made me more ticked is the fact that taxpayers' money is being used to push one particular view over the other (the extra salt on the wound being the unjust point of view).

A couple of months ago, I was approached on the street by a member of Green Peace.   She told me that I did not even have to give any money or spend any time.  They just wanted to utilise my "voice" -- my name, email address, and whatever other information they needed -- to push their agenda.  Now, I agree with most of their ideals, but definitely not in their methods, so I declined as graciously and firmly as I could... repeatedly.

I am sure I am not the only one ever put in this kind of situation.  If I will not even give my name and one of my spam email accounts to a group I share some ideals with, why in the world would I want my money going towards something I am totally against?

As a person who is opposed to terminating life, I believe that even the unborn have the right to life, and I constantly ask this question:  How do we make the politicians listen that we want our taxpayers' money to neither fund (Healthcare Reform Bill) nor propagate (National Public Radio) abortion in any way, shape or form, directly or indirectly?

There is a difference between Tolerance and Acceptance -- the first just means that I will not deck you for what you believe or think, and I do not have to accept it as my own.  What mainstream media is asking us to do is to accept a perspective that is not yours as your own and to pay for spreading something you do not believe in.

America is the country of Freedom, Tolerance and Opportunity.  Do not ever forget the price that was paid for such privileges.

The Financial Regulation Bill

Well and simply put.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


"100 percent of school's first class college-bound"

That is the headline of an article which instantly drew my attention. It is about the first graduating class of a charter high school on a special mission. They have a creed which they repeat every single day of school, and I absolutely love the basis of their creed: I Believe.

Imagine what kind of world we would live in if you believed in yourself. Or if you had other people who believed in you more until you could believe more in yourself. What kind of endless possibilities would open up?
What are we doing now to empower each other? What are we doing to empower the future generations? That is the kind of legacy I am working on leaving.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Take Our Jobs

Immigration Reform is sort of near and dear to my heart since I am afterall an American Immigrant.  I have been cursed blessed with the ability to see two sides to most issues.  It is no different here.  Now, I will not go into the whole other discussion about what is an American citizen.  For the purpose of this discussion only, I mean to distinguish Americans whose families have been here for at least several generations from naturalised-citizens, documented and undocumented immigrants.

One of the common arguments against immigration is that immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens born on American soil.  One of my rebuttals: Will you become a trash collector, farm worker, house-/office-cleaner, landfill worker, porta-potty cleaner, etc.?  Seriously, there are really disgusting jobs and really difficult jobs that no American wants and the same people who yap yap yap about stolen jobs will not take those jobs themselves.

So I was pretty happy to see this article. We all know about the bad economic situation in California -- the state is broke, public and private sector jobs have been significantly axed, and we will not even go into the housing market...  I am interested in seeing how many takers there will be this time.  Compare it to the last time:
"California's agriculture industry launched a similar campaign in 1998, hoping to recruit welfare recipients and unemployed workers to work on farms, [Manuel Cunha] said. Three people showed up."
Part of me is hopeful that people really want to be productive and live off the fruits of their own labour, yet the skeptical part of me thinks that many will not swallow their pride or are just plain lazy to work hard to earn money, no matter how little it is.  I always go back to "A Privilege does not equal a Right".  America is the Land of Opportunity, not the Land of Outcome of Your Sit-On-Your-Duff-Daydreams.

What do you think?

My friend is trying to turn me into a member of Geek Squad

I have been pretty quiet this week because my laptop was out of commission for a couple of days this week.  One of my virus scans detected a worm attached to a file in another one of my anti-virus softwares.  Of course, that led to panic when another tech person I consulted said it must be pretty bad considering where it is attached.  The advice given there was to go to a "professional", like commercial tech support.  And to think that I came across 8 different topics I wanted to blog about that day!  Hmph!

To make the long story short, I ended up begging/bribing/cajoling asking my friend Rob for help.  Rob is one of those amazingly talented "Mr. Fix-It"s.  There does not seem to anything that he cannot fix.  Really!  So Rob spent a lot of time scanning my hard drive and then refining my laptop's performance the very next day.  And what you know?  There is no virus (my virus scanner gave me a false positive) and the sluggishness of the last couple of weeks (or is it months?) is gone!  

And Rob's patience in trying to teach me about technology -- words cannot describe how painful it must be to teach a tech-phobe like myself.  Truly, I am very happy to just use the programmes.  I am perfectly happy not having to know anything more about electronics and technology (though electronic and techno are a separate matter...)  So what did I learn from the Learned One of Technology anyway?  Let's see what I remember...
  • How to use my new softwares for anti-virus/-spyware, registry cleanups, repairs, etc.
  • How to stop programmes from auto-running (and sucking up all my power!)
  • A rather impressive browser called Opera (I might have to switch from Mozilla Firefox!)
  • Something(s) about Linux
  • Something about unlocking cell phones
  • Something about video editing
  • Something about converting analog to digital (video/cassette tapes to DVDs/CDs) but we want to record through analog to digital to warm up the sound
  • Something about data backups, including hard drive images, and comparing backup tapes to other forms of backup
  • Something about WordPress (Oh, can I mention that here??)
  • Something about...
 So how did I repay my friend?  With food, of course!

Really, I cannot thank you enough Rob!!  You're awesome!!  Thanks!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Is The Gospel?

Love how this video answers it.

Resplendent Jewels

"Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces.  God hath many sharp-cutting instruments and rough files for the polishing of His jewels; and those He especially loves, and means to make the most resplendent, He hath oftenest His tools upon."
~Archbishop Leighton
As you might have read in the last couple of months, things have not been going well for me to say the least.  It has been one thing after another, most of which have not been mentioned here.  Every aspect of my professional and personal life has been hit... hard... and repeatedly...  Where does one go or hide when your life falls apart?

There is only one place and one person to turn -- God. 

I remember the first time I read Archbishop Leighton's quote -- I cried for an hour after reading it. It was most agonising to read those words while going through severe emotional pain. Even as I read it now, I have to confess that I am not jumping for joy. However, it does bring me comfort to know that I am so loved that He means not to leave me in my imperfection but to continue refining me.  (He must really love me this year! )

Seriously, nothing that happens is an accident.  God does not come up with contingent plans in case something detours His original plan.  I cannot say that I understand how He can see and know all things, how He has all power, yet how His divine purposes can be accomplished without contingency in spite of us throwing detours in.  I am not infinitely wise so of course I cannot understand that.  I just know that He can.

I know that God is faithful -- He will never be inconsistent or act inconsistent with Himself and His attributes.  He can never change and He is full perfection.  Knowing that gives me confidence in knowing that I can trust Him.

I know that one day I will be a resplendent jewel that He has fashioned Himself, and it will only be because of His extraordinary grace.

Economics 101: Minimum Wage Laws

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Congratulations Chicago

As painful as it is to write this, congratulations to the Blackhawks for winning the Stanley Cup.

Hopefully we will not have to wait as long as you did.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dark Night of the Soul 2010 – Round 2

“Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.”
~ Job 13:15
In the past couple of months, I have had every single aspect of my life attacked. I have no wish to relive my experiences by writing of them here, but just simply know that things that could go wrong have gone wrong, and the past week has been exceptionally bad. I have been battling a severe depression that I believe only a demon can bring on. I keep getting hit financially and things are so bad that all I am looking for is to survive and not even that is plausible at the moment. I have felt abandoned by both God and the one who matters most to me.

I know that I know that I know that the following are true:

  • God knows all there is to know.
  • He sees everything that happens.
  • He cares for and loves me.
  • He has all power.
  • He has never abandoned me and He never will.
Yet I do feel like He has left me alone. His silence is deafening and devastating.  Knowing all that I know about Him and yet not sensing Him or hearing from Him hurts beyond what words can describe. I have been feeling such anguish over feeling like He has chosen to sit out on my suffering.

I keep going back to last Sunday’s sermon on tested faith, and I ask myself Todd’s questions: What is it in my life that I have to have to be happy? What is it apart from God that I have to have for life to possess meaning? What is it in my life that if God took it away would send me into total utter despair?

“…even the promises of God, the good things of God, can become idols to us if we end up treasuring those good promises even more than we treasure the One who gives them.”
~Todd Pruitt
Could that be my problem? Perhaps I have been treasuring His blessings more than I treasure Him?
“It’s not unlike God, that for reasons belonging only to Himself, to take something away from us that will cause us pain in this life.”
~Todd Pruitt
Whatever it is, I know this: I do not have to like what I am going through, but I can “count it all joy” because of the effect of tested faith – a pure refined faith more precious than gold. As much anguish as pain brings, and as unwelcome as testing can be, God has said that I can count it as joy.  As difficult as that is, and as unwanted an action as I wish to run from, I know that is what He wants -- for me to focus on the end-product of testing my faith.
“What we gain from the test is better than going through life without what we gain from the test.”
~Todd Pruitt
“Our job in life is not to be successful, but to be faithful.”
~Billy Graham in “Hope For The Troubled Heart”

Living A Life Of Purpose

"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. "
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else."
~Lawrence J. Peter

"Sometimes the path you're on is not as important as the direction you're heading."
~Kevin Smith

"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time."
~Zig Ziglar
The four quotes above have one thing in common – knowing where you are headed. You cannot know what direction you ought to go without knowing your purpose.  I also believe that you cannot know your purpose without knowing this Absolute -- the one immutable all-powerful God of the universe.

There is a difference between goals and purpose. Goals are simply milestones in the journey, but Purpose is the direction in which you must go. You can hit all the goals you set, but if they are not in the direction you ought to be going, well… it does not do anyone much good, does it?

I have known since I was little that I was meant to change the world and make it a better place. I was meant to help people and make their lives better. That is my purpose. I aim to add value to people. It has taken me almost two decades but I am finally in pursuit of my purpose in life.  I had previously set goals in all sorts of different directions, resulting in no real impact anywhere.  I am finally getting somewhere now.

There are some rules for goal-setting.  Whatever your goals are, they must be:
  • written
  • personal
  • specific
  • achievable
  • measurable
  • time-sensitive
Believe you me, if those six things are not done, no amount of goal-setting or goals will see any results. 

ps.  This post was originally written a week ago.  Just delayed in posting...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Permission To Stop The Craziness

The last couple of days have been weird and somewhat difficult for me.  It is not often that a driven person like myself gets into the mood of not wanting to (go to) work.  It actually took a lot of energy to get out of the house.  While dealing with people drains much energy from me anyway, it took considerably much more effort in these past couple of days.  I do not know if it is the full moon or my unbalanced hormones, but things have really been out of  whack -- in both businesses, the people with whom I am dealing (or at least trying to), business meetings being cancelled without notifying me, business projects being put on hold, other business tie-ups, etc.

This morning was a real kicker for me, and even after a whole day, I am still feeling kind of weird.  I woke up and felt that I could not (or did not want to?) face the world today.  I just really wanted to crawl into a hole and wrap myself up into a tight cocoon.  I just felt so depressed today, and I have no idea why.  I literally curled myself into a ball as tight as possible and lay in bed crying.  I cried out to God.  I felt like I was doing everything He said to do the best that I could do so, and yet I was spinning my wheels in the air and not accomplishing anything.  I knew that I was facing some of Satan's finest and I really did not have the strength to fight them.  All I could do was to cry out to God for His protection and strength.

I did not actually get up until 1pm and only because I was hungry and thirsty.  I vegged out in front to the television (another less common thing with me) for hours and finally got ready for a business meeting this evening.  I drove out to the meeting and the person was not even there.  Then I drove home, listening to the Flyers game.  I watched the rest when I got home, and as good as a game it was, my boys lost and it has not helped me to feel any better than 12 hours ago.

On my way home, I stopped by a store to pick up some windshield wiper fluid and also a bag of chocolates.  I had three during the game and printed on one of the wrappers was, "It's OK to not do it all."

I guess I do need little reminders that I cannot and am not supposed to do it all... and it is alright.

I know that (thankfully) God is in control and that everything is according to His plan.  Nothing happens by my strength or planning.  I guess God is allowing Satan to sift my heart and spirit at the moment.  For what purpose?  I have not a clue.  And I do not like feeling the way I do.  I do not have energy or desire to do anything, not even to sit out on the deck in the sun today.  I just feel like crying, in a hole.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

For children of the early 1980s and Atari lovers

This is great!  LOL!

Going Out On A Limb

"Playing it safe isn't really that safe...
If you do that, you miss out on a lot of the great things life has to offer."
~Matt Green

That quote is taken from an interesting article I read this afternoon about a man who has dared to get out of his comfort zone and pursue his dreams.  Too many people are held back by their fears, especially their fear of insecurity or (in)stability or worse, their (perceived) fear of other people.  

What have you missed out on because you were too afraid to go out on a limb?  What would your life look like now if you had pursued that "unsafe" path?  What if you took a chance on something that could lead to rejection or failure?  Do you realise that there can be no great success without many failures? 

"Success is the progressive realisation of worthwhile goals." -- That means that success is not the end product, it is the journey!

I have been told that "The enemy of Great is not Bad; the enemy of Great is Good."  And also, "Do not confuse the Good Life with the Great Life."  I intend to live the Great Life.  How about you? 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



I had an exciting business meeting last night and missed the game. However, as soon as I got back into the car, I was tuned into the radio station that usually broadcasts the Flyers' games. Alas, that radio station was nothing but static where I was! ARGHHH!!!

I made it as quickly towards home as I could and finally started picking up some of the broadcast through a lot of static with about four minutes left in the game. I pumped my fist into the roof of the car when that last empty netter was scored and I remember exactly where I was when that final buzzer sounded. I screamed so loudly in joy and managed to keep the car going straight within the lines of my lane. I almost had tears in my eyes. (The first and last time I cried over hockey was when Ray Bourque finally touched the Stanley Cup after 21 seasons in the NHL and skated it around the rink.)

I will cry again bawl when the Flyers win the Stanley Cup.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hysterical + Hilarious = Hysterious



My Flyers

As you can see from my moniker, I am a huge hockey fan.  100% unashamedly and unabashedly Philadelphia Flyers fan.  In the past 2 years, I have put hockey aside to focus on building my business.  Afterall, when the business grows to a point where it allows me to buy back all my time, I can also buy a couple of season box seats and go to every single home game.

Still, especially since we haven't won the Stanley Cup since 1975, Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals is enticing.  I am taking the opportunity of some time and watching it tonight.

Let's go Flyers!!

Addendum: Flyers won! I'm smelling the Stanley Cup already!