Thursday, May 27, 2010

Going Out On A Limb

"Playing it safe isn't really that safe...
If you do that, you miss out on a lot of the great things life has to offer."
~Matt Green

That quote is taken from an interesting article I read this afternoon about a man who has dared to get out of his comfort zone and pursue his dreams.  Too many people are held back by their fears, especially their fear of insecurity or (in)stability or worse, their (perceived) fear of other people.  

What have you missed out on because you were too afraid to go out on a limb?  What would your life look like now if you had pursued that "unsafe" path?  What if you took a chance on something that could lead to rejection or failure?  Do you realise that there can be no great success without many failures? 

"Success is the progressive realisation of worthwhile goals." -- That means that success is not the end product, it is the journey!

I have been told that "The enemy of Great is not Bad; the enemy of Great is Good."  And also, "Do not confuse the Good Life with the Great Life."  I intend to live the Great Life.  How about you? 

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