Thursday, September 16, 2010

Confused, ACLU?

An article reported that a teen in North Carolina was suspended from school over a religious body piercing.  She and her mother belong to (get this) the Church of Body Modification.  (I kid you not!)  So anyway, the ACLU jumped at the chance to defend the teen's right to exercise her faith at school.  Nothing wrong with jumping to the defense of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of religion.

Now, here's my beef: this same organisation has repeatedly jumped at the chance to prevent any sort of  exercise of Christian faith in public schools or government -- their so-called defense of "separation of Church and State".  Quoting from their website:
"The right to practice religion, or no religion at all, is among the most fundamental of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The ACLU works to ensure that this essential freedom is protected by keeping the government out of religion."
They say that they are protecting your First Amendment Rights, including the freedom of religion, by keeping the government out of it yet most of their cases are really the other way around -- keeping religion (namely Christianity) out of government.  The domino effect of their assaults on government results in domains (especially public schools) receiving federal funding try to stamp out the exercise of religion (again, namely Christianity), lest they be charged with violating the separation of Church and State.  (Remember, the idea of separation of Church and State was meant more for the protection of the Church from the State.)

Am I the only one who is thinks that the ACLU is confused about themselves, saying one thing but doing another? 
"What you do shouts so loud that I cannot hear what you say."

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