"Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces. God hath many sharp-cutting instruments and rough files for the polishing of His jewels; and those He especially loves, and means to make the most resplendent, He hath oftenest His tools upon."~Archbishop Leighton
As you might have read in the last couple of months, things have not been going well for me to say the least. It has been one thing after another, most of which have not been mentioned here. Every aspect of my professional and personal life has been hit... hard... and repeatedly... Where does one go or hide when your life falls apart?
There is only one place and one person to turn -- God.
I remember the first time I read Archbishop Leighton's quote -- I cried for an hour after reading it. It was most agonising to read those words while going through severe emotional pain. Even as I read it now, I have to confess that I am not jumping for joy. However, it does bring me comfort to know that I am so loved that He means not to leave me in my imperfection but to continue refining me. (He must really love me this year!

Seriously, nothing that happens is an accident. God does not come up with contingent plans in case something detours His original plan. I cannot say that I understand how He can see and know all things, how He has all power, yet how His divine purposes can be accomplished without contingency in spite of us throwing detours in. I am not infinitely wise so of course I cannot understand that. I just know that He can.
I know that God is faithful -- He will never be inconsistent or act inconsistent with Himself and His attributes. He can never change and He is full perfection. Knowing that gives me confidence in knowing that I can trust Him.
I know that one day I will be a resplendent jewel that He has fashioned Himself, and it will only be because of His extraordinary grace.
I know that one day I will be a resplendent jewel that He has fashioned Himself, and it will only be because of His extraordinary grace.
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