Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The New Body Scanners

Let's get right to the point. The new body scanners installed in Chicago O'Hare is not the latest body scanning technology. There is another technology that has been developed that is nowhere as invasive of privacy as these. These current scanners give graphic images regardless of the hogwash officials are spewing, and privacy rights groups are right to protest the use of them. Good grief, we might as well take off our clothes and have our physicals while walking through them!

The alternative: Scanning technology which uses thermal imaging. It images the body heat radiated and can pick up anything that blocks it. The image looks more like a thermal scan (kind of like how Predator views the humans) than an actual graphic image.

Folks, if we really have to have body scanners, the thermal imaging is a much better way to go. Besides, from a scientific point of view, I'd rather be subject to thermal scanning than being constantly bombarded with x-rays (increased risk of cancer, anyone?). But in the words of one of the founding fathers,
"Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety."
~Benjamin Franklin

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