Saturday, March 6, 2010


I remember a story told by John C. Maxwell, the world's foremost leadership teacher. He was once asked to write a book on business ethics. To which he replied, "I can't write [a book on business ethics]..." When asked why not, John stated, "There is no such thing as business ethics. You either have ethics or you don't."

John's statement pretty much sums it all up.

By the way, I am happy to learn about Rick Green's run for Texas Supreme Court. He is a stand-up man with integrity, persistence, and a very good head on his shoulders. He has a great passion for the history of this country, and even greater passion for passing it on to future generations. His children can quote The Declaration of Independence from memory -- I was there at the business conference where the following video was recorded.

Any time some person of excellence sticks their head above the crowd or does something the crowd doesn't, he is bound to get tomatoes in the face. Clint Eastwood, Albert Einstein, even Mother Theresa! So in spite of the nasty stuff that is coming, go for it Rick!

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