Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Clear as mud

Things are still difficult though I am not crying as much or hurting as badly as Monday night. That is not to say that I am not hurting -- it still hurts like heck. I had the opportunity to see a counsellor today. I was looking for some direction, some kind of road map, someone to tell me what to do. After talking with him, the road I must travel is still as clear as mud, but at least now I kind of have a direction to head towards.

I am one of those "Get it solved last week!" kind of person and I know this road will take time. There is some hope that it will not take as long as I originally anticipated, but it will still take longer than my current pain would care for.

I keep looking for God's light out of all the muck. It is difficult to see it, but I know it is there. I know His Goodness is at work, and that His purposes will be accomplished, whatever they are. Usually, I would be grateful that He would have even given me a part to play in accomplishing His Will. Regardless of my emotion, I know that God is working. I know that He is good, and that His plans are good. That is what sustains me.

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